Conversion of the matrix in glass fiber reinforced composites into a high heating value oil and other valuable feedstocks

Waste from glass fiber reinforced polymer composites has become an imminent problem worldwide. Emerging recycling technologies, such as chemical recycling, have shown to be promising for economically viable recovery of high-value carbon fibers. Similar interest for recovery of glass fibers is negligible due to their low value. In this study, a solvolytical conversion of the polyester matrix from glass fiber reinforced composites was proposed, to increase the cost effectivity for the recycling of these materials. Simultaneously with the recovery of glass fibers, an oil product was produced. The produced oil could be used as a potentially valuable fuel with heating values up to 39.6MJ/kg, or a petrochemical feedstock for production of chemicals and materials. Using this technology, an environmental problem can be eliminated by converting the waste into valuable products.

» Author: Hülya U. Sokoli, Morten E. Simonsen, Rudi P. Nielsen, Katarzyna R. Arturi, Erik G. Søgaard

» Reference: Fuel Processing Technology, Volume 149

» Publication Date: 01/08/2016

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